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大衛之子 詩篇89:1-14 程偉昌長老 —————————————————————— 思考/討論問題 Discussion Question: 你是否相信神所有的應許均會應驗? Do you believe ALL God’s promises will be fulfilled? 在小組內分享你對神應許的疑問,並與弟兄姊妹一同認清神的應許。 Please share any doubt or unclear of the promise of God and clarify it with your group members.
『藉著耶穌一次成聖』“Sanctification through Jesus Once for All” 詩Ps.40:5-8;希Heb.10:5-7&10 Pastor Kaleb 鄭迦勒牧師主講 Quincy Wong 王君實弟兄傳譯 ——————————————————————
何淑棻姊妹 Doris Kwong 祢真偉大 How Great Thou Art Look at the World觀看宇宙 耶穌配得至聖尊榮 Jesus Shall Take the Highest Honor You raise me up容我升高 Audio: