1. 教會祈禱會:2025年1月8日(週三),晚上7:30在聯誼室舉行,一月主題:『2025教會主題』,請出席為教會事工祈禱。Church Prayer Meeting will be held on Wed., January 8th at 7:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. January’s theme is “2025 Church Theme”.
2. 恩福主日崇拜:於明年1月5日主日開始,上午10:30在表爾威的十字路口社區中心(Crossroads Community Center at 16000 NE 10th Street, Bellevue)舉行;而其它的小組及事工聚會暫時照常在教會舉行。請在祈禱中記念搬遷事宜,如果您有任何需要或疑問,請與牧師、長執或小組組長諮詢。 BLC worship will be held at Crossroads Community Center beginning Sunday, January 5. Small groups and ministry meetings still remain at church as usual. Please continue to pray for the moving; for any inquiry contact BLC pastors, elders, deacons or small group leaders.
3. 教會年結:弟兄姊妹若想其奉獻納入2024年課税,請於12月 31日或之前將奉獻放入奉獻箱。請弟兄姊妹在奉獻時,記得填 寫自己的奉獻號碼,以助每週記帳時捷省時間,多謝合作。如 有代教會支付任何費用,請儘快將申報及收據呈交程偉昌長老。 Year-end Church Finance: If you still want to make offering for Tax Year 2024, please place it in the offering box by December29. Please remember to put down your offering number on the offering envelope. If you have unclaimed church expenses, please submit reimbursement request to Elder Kenny Ching as soon as possible