
崇拜地點:Crossroads Community Center16000 NE 10TH ST, BELLEVUE, WA

電話:(425) 829-9055


郵寄地址: 3730 148th Avenue SE, Bellevue, Washington 98006

齊來敬拜、侍奉、見證、相交  Let’s come together to worship, serve, witness, and fellowship.


2023-12-24 崇拜及事工

1. 教會祈禱會:2024年1月3日(週三),晚上7:30在聯誼室舉行,一月主題:『為整個教會祈禱』,請出席為教會事工祈禱。Church Prayer Meeting will be held on Wed., January 3rd at 7:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. January’s theme is “Church in General”.

2. 2024年會友年會:將於1月21日主日崇拜後上午11:30至中午12:30在聯誼室舉行,請弟兄姊妹預留時間參加。是日將提供午餐,費用全免,歡迎所有弟兄姊妹和來賓留步參加,請向款待委員會報名。 2024 All membership meeting will be held on January 21 right after service. Please plan to stay and lunch will be provided without fee. Please sign up with the hospitality Committee.

3. 中神延SUN課程:新學期將於明年1月5日開始研讀「詩歌 智慧書」,逢週五晚上7:30於Microsoft Teams網上舉行,如有興趣者可向程偉昌長老查詢。CGST Bible Study will begin new study ”Psalms and wisdom” on Friday, January 5th at 7:30 pm via Microsoft Teams. Contact Kenny Ching for more information.