1. 教會祈禱會:10月4日(週三)晚上7:30在聯誼室舉行,十月主題:『教會長者』,請出席為教會事工祈禱。Church Prayer Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 4th at 7:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. October’s theme is “BLC seniors”.
2. 「愛Plan B」西雅圖電影首映禮暨佈道會:由美國影音使團及創 世電視主辦,黃智賢及江美儀領銜主演,將於10月13日(週五),晚上7:30在西宣放映,及於10月14日(週六),晚上7:30在恩福 放映。免費入座,毋需門票。請邀請未信主親友參加。Evangelistic Chinese movie “Love is Plan b” will be shown on 10/13 (7:30pm) at SCAC and 10/14 (7:30pm) at BLC. Please pick up invitation flyers outside.
3. 2023年轉會禮:將於10月15日舉行,凡有意參加轉會者,請與 長執、安牧師或張傳道聯絡。 2023 Membership Transfer will be held on October 15 during Sunday worship.
4. 中神延SUN課程:新學期將於10月6日開始研讀「創世記」, 逢週五晚上7:30於Microsoft Teams網上舉行,如有興趣者可向 程偉昌長老查詢。CGST Bible Study meets every Friday at 7:30 pm via Microsoft Teams studying the Book of Genesis starting October 6th.. Please contact Kenny Ching for more information.
5. 聖經信息查經班:逢週四晚上7:30於聯誼室舉行,研讀「約翰福音」,詳情可向程偉昌長老查詢。Bible Study meets every Thursday night at 7:30 pm in the fellowship hall studying the Book of John. For details, please check with Kenny Ching