1. 教會祈禱會:6月7日(週三),晚上7:30在聯誼室舉行,六月主題:『門徒訓練/教導』,請出席為教會事工祈禱。Church Prayer Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. June’s theme is “Discipleship/Teaching”.
2. 2023年信仰及浸禮班:將於6月25日(主日)開始,歡迎有志受浸
2023 Basic Belief and Baptismal class will start on Sunday, June 25th. Welcome all seekers & baptismal candidates to join. Anyone interests please inquire with pastor, elders, and deacons.
3. 神延SUN課程:逢週五晚上7:30於Microsoft Teams網上舉行,
CGST Bible Study meets every Friday at 7:30 pm via Microsoft Teams studying ”Introduction to Theology of the Old Testament”. Contact
Kenny Ching for more information.
4. 聖經信息查經班:逢週四晚上7:30於聯誼室舉行,研讀「利未記」,詳情可向程偉昌長老查詢。Thursday Bible Study meets every Thursday night at 7:30 pm in the fellowship hall studying the Book of Leviticus. For details, please check with Kenny Ching.