
崇拜地點:Crossroads Community Center16000 NE 10TH ST, BELLEVUE, WA

電話:(425) 829-9055


郵寄地址: 3730 148th Avenue SE, Bellevue, Washington 98006

齊來敬拜、侍奉、見證、相交  Let’s come together to worship, serve, witness, and fellowship.



Journey of Leung Gam Tou Andy’s faith

1. Pre 2020 Pandemic
  • When I was in early elementary school, my parents started attending BLC and brought me along. I don’t have many memories of the next few years as I felt like I was just there to pass the time, completely uninterested in all that God stuff.
  • In early middle school, I started getting into philosophy and finding a greater purpose in life, which I connected back to things I had heard in church. This led me to start being afraid of being punished for disobeying God, which in turn caused me to start using the Bible as a weapon to condemn other people.
  • However, as I approached high school, I began to question the logic of the Bible. This drove me to ask people at church about why Bible seemed to contradict itself, but I was met with hostile responses and basically told not to question what is being taught in Sunday School.
2. During Pandemic – Not attending Church from March 2020 to Sept 2022.
  • When pandemic lockdowns went into effect in 2020, I obviously couldn’t attend church in-person anymore, and, due to the attitudes that I was faced with in the last few months, I was quite happy about that. Things were starting to make less and less sense as I felt like nobody was listening to me.
  • With my disillusionment with the church, I would start wandering around online to find other communities to accept me and fill the void. During this period, I would meet many people online that were very toxic and angry, and I would try to fit in with these communities. Doing so ended up with me adopting these behaviors to be accepted. Even though I ended up realizing how unhealthy these behaviors were after a year or so, I would also find a unique perspective on why they acted like that.
  • For some of them, I was able to listen to how they had an unstable home life. Their experience with an unloving and broken family seemed to be the cause for the worsening of their emotional health and toxic behavior. At the time, I wasn’t prepared to address their problems, as it was the first time I was confronted with the concept of emotional health.
  • But I would have to address it at one point or another, and this time would come in 2022. Some people would confide in me about their mental health issues, but due to a combination of me dealing with self-esteem issues and my lack of skill in dealing with emotional issues, I wasn’t able to offer much help. They eventually lost faith in me as a friend and ever since, I’ve felt like I need to work on my understanding of my emotional health if I want to develop healthy inter-personal relationships.
3. 2022 Volunteering in BLC because needing volunteering hours for school 
  • In late 2022, I realized that I needed 40 community service hours to graduate and that I had barely done any. When my parents brought up BLC as an option, I decided to take it as I was somewhat familiar with the people there, but I was still not very enthusiastic about going back to a place where I didn’t feel valued a few years ago.
  • In late 2022, I realized that I needed 40 community service hours to graduate and that I had barely done any. When my parents brought up BLC as an option, I decided to take it as I was somewhat familiar with the people there, but I was still not very enthusiastic about going back to a place where I didn’t feel valued a few years ago.
  • Christianity at this point was still more of a vague ceremonial thing that wasn’t very connected to anything meaningful to me personally because
  • of the falling out I had with the church a few years ago.
  • After a few months of Uncle Fred driving me home, our conversations in the car went from awkward small talk to discussions about my emotional
  • health.
  • During this time, I was attempting to find ways to improve my mindset about my life through self-help content online. I knew there were unhealthy beliefs that I held about myself, and I wanted to let go of them, but didn’t know how.
  • I started reflecting on my childhood and how I might have had unmet emotional needs that influence my unhealthy behavior today, just like the people that I met online during the pandemic.
  • Some of these people ended up becoming ‘ghosts’ to me; the role that they played in my life and the ideas that they represented lingered in my mind. For example, one of my former friends often shared about his cat, and now, every time I see or interact with a cat in my neighborhood, I’m reminded of them and I think about what I would have shared with them once I got home.
  • Another former friend was somebody that I started off hating and being jealous of because they weren’t normal and they were getting more attention for their art than I was. But when they reached out to me, I slowly began realizing that my negative feelings towards them were completely based on me not understanding them. Yoda once said that “Fear leads to anger and anger leads to hate” and fear is caused by not understanding something. Earlier this year, they attempted to take their own life, and when I heard about it, I immediately felt guilty about my previous negative feelings towards them. I wonder if others had felt the way I did towards them and hurt them because of that.
  • At that moment, I knew that I never wanted to feel that way towards anybody else again in my life. I knew that I needed to understand how to strive for agape (unconditional) love, like God, towards others to prevent this mindset from forming again.
  • At this point, God started to manifest as a ghost in my heart, a representation of unconditional love.
4. Embracing the newfound faith
  • Perhaps living my life in a way to uphold God’s virtue of unconditional love, I can learn to address my own issues with myself and my past, especially my issues with loving myself due to self-esteem issues.
  • When it comes to other people, this mindset works with the proverb that “a child that is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth”. Many bad people exist in the world, but more often than not, they’re just trying to make up for the love that they didn’t get from the world. So hopefully, by embracing God’s unconditional love, I can try and be the change I want to see in the world.
  • Way back in late 2021, Andrew once stopped me to ask me whether I wanted to join the youth group online. I thought about whether God was real or not for the first time in a long time. Back then I thought it wasn’t my problem whether God was real or not because it didn’t affect me. Now, at least in my heart, God is real to me.
  • I think of it like the idea of confidence. Some may call being confident in the face of complete strangers as being delusional. However, it’s undeniable that being confident can inspire change in others; just because you can’t prove it objectively exists doesn’t mean that it doesn’t matter.


1. 2020 年大流行疫情前
2. 大流行疫情期間 – 2020年3月至2022年9月沒有返教會
3. 因需要滿足學校的志願服務要求時間, 於2022年在恩福做義工
4. 擁抱新發現的信仰