Month: April 2019
陳競秀弟兄 Here I Am To Worship (Light of the World)/慈繩愛索 因著十架 When I survey the wondrous cross He Lives 主活著 /BECAUSE HE LIVES因祂活著 Audio:
04-14-2019 崇拜讚美詩歌
程光義執事 這是天父世界 This is my Father’s world 原來是耶穌 唯有耶穌Jesus, You Can 祢是葡萄樹 You are the Vine Audio:
『我是道路、真理、生命』“I am the way, truth and life” 約翰福音John 14:1-7/h2> Pastor Kaleb王君實弟兄傳譯
04-07-2019 崇拜讚美詩歌
梁小瑛長老 榮耀歸於真神 To God Be the Glory 進入祢的同在 Into Your Presence 祢的同在 Your Presence 神要開道路 God will make a way Audio: