
崇拜地點:Crossroads Community Center16000 NE 10TH ST, BELLEVUE, WA

電話:(425) 829-9055


郵寄地址: 3730 148th Avenue SE, Bellevue, Washington 98006

齊來敬拜、侍奉、見證、相交  Let’s come together to worship, serve, witness, and fellowship.


02-26-2017教會事工 Church Ministries

1. 教會祈禱會:3月1日(週三),晚上7:30於表爾威12838 SE 40th Pl. 之102室聚會,三月主題:『兒童及青少年事工』,請出席為教會事工祈禱。 Church Prayer Meeting: will be held on Wednesday, March 1 at 7:30 p.m. Location’s at Factoria: 12838 SE 40th Place, Room 102. March’s theme is “Children and Youth Ministry”.
2. 2017年教會退修會:將於9月16日 (週六) 舉行,若你願意參與籌備工作,請與吳世安牧師聯絡。 2017 Church Retreat will be held on Saturday, September 16. If you would like to join in the planning committee, please contact Pastor On.
3. 2017年浸禮及信仰班:浸禮將於4月16日復活節主日舉行,信仰班於今日崇拜後開始,歡迎有志受浸者或慕道朋友參加,詳情請與牧師或長執查詢。 2017 Baptismal class begins today after service. Baptism is scheduled on April 16 Easter Sunday. Welcome all seekers and baptismal candidates to join. Anyone interests please inquire with pastor and deacons.
4. 「西倫」海外學生差傳:將於3月11日(週六),晚上7:30在教會舉行分享會,有志宣教佈道的弟兄姊妹請到時出席參加,詳情請與吳世安牧師聯絡。 Selon Mission will be hosting a sharing meeting on Saturday, March 11 at 7:30 p.m. at church. Anyone who’s interested in mission, please plan to attend. For further information, please contact Pastor On.
5. 撥快一小時:冬令時間將於3月12日主日凌晨二時結束,請於3月11日(週六)晚上睡前將時鐘撥快一小時。 Daylight Savings time begins on Sunday, March 12 at 2 a.m., please fast forward one hour before going to bed on Saturday, March 11.