
崇拜地點:Crossroads Community Center16000 NE 10TH ST, BELLEVUE, WA

電話:(425) 829-9055


郵寄地址: 3730 148th Avenue SE, Bellevue, Washington 98006

齊來敬拜、侍奉、見證、相交  Let’s come together to worship, serve, witness, and fellowship.


Month: February 2017

  • 02-26-2017教會事工 Church Ministries

    1. 教會祈禱會:3月1日(週三),晚上7:30於表爾威12838 SE 40th Pl. 之102室聚會,三月主題:『兒童及青少年事工』,請出席為教會事工祈禱。 Church Prayer Meeting: will be held on Wednesday, March 1 at 7:30 p.m. Location’s at Factoria: 12838 SE 40th Place, Room 102. March’s theme is “Children and Youth Ministry”. 2. 2017年教會退修會:將於9月16日 (週六) 舉行,若你願意參與籌備工作,請與吳世安牧師聯絡。 2017 Church Retreat will be held on Saturday, September 16. If you would like to join…

  • 02-26-2017主日崇拜講道

    『盟約關係』 “Covenant Relationship” 撒母耳記上1 Samuel 18:1-5 Pastor Kaleb Gentry 陳省予姊妹傳譯

  • 02-26-2017崇拜讚美詩歌

    程光義執事 This is my Father’s World 這是天父世界 耶穌恩友 What a friend we have in Jesus Oh How He loves you and me 祂多愛你和我 The Power of Your Love主愛大能 Audio: [audio:http://www.blessedlifechurch.org/2017/2017_02_26_praise.mp3|titles=02-26-2017 Praise]

  • 02-09-2017主日崇拜講道

    禱告信望愛 詩篇Psalm 17 篇 李新全牧師 信的呼求 (詩17:1-5) Prayer in Faith 愛的祈求 (詩17:6-13) Prayer in Love 望的追求 (詩17:14-15) Prayer in Hope

  • 02-19-2017崇拜讚美詩歌

    陳競秀弟兄 你是王/聖哉,聖哉,聖哉 袮的愛 我要向山舉目 我愛禱告 Audio: [audio:http://www.blessedlifechurch.org/2017/2017_02_19_praise.mp3|titles=02-19-2017 Praise]

  • 02-12-2017主日崇拜講道

    從哀傷到勝利 From Lament to Victory 詩篇Psalm 60 篇 Pastor Michael Lock 關麗梅執事傳譯 A Troubled People: Lament vv 1-5 節 一群遭遇患難的子民:哀傷> A Triumphant Promise: Hope vv. 6-8 節 一個旗開得勝的應許:盼望 A Trustworthy God: Victory vv. 9-12 節 一位值得信靠的上帝:勝利

  • 02-12-2017崇拜讚美詩歌

    鄺偉華弟兄 觀看宇宙 Still安靜 You are my all in all你是我的一切 神 大 愛The Love of God Audio: [audio:http://www.blessedlifechurch.org/2017/2017_02_12_praise.mp3|titles=02-12-2017 Praise]

  • 02-07-2017主日崇拜講道

    神啊,我需要祢! 詩篇 Psalm 3 篇 吳世安牧師

  • 02-05-2017崇拜讚美詩歌

    麥禮榮弟兄 全地至高是我主 求主以靈火燃亮我 我的心,為何憂悶 寶貴十架 耶穌奇妙的救恩 Audio: [audio:http://www.blessedlifechurch.org/2017/2017_02_05_praise.mp3|titles=02-05-2017 Praise]

  • 2017年浸禮及信仰班

    2017年浸禮及信仰班:浸禮將於4月16日復活節主日舉行,信仰班於2月開始,歡迎有志受浸者或慕道朋友參加,詳情請與牧師或長執查詢。 2017 Baptismal class will begin in February. Baptism is scheduled on April 16 Easter Sunday. Welcome all seekers and baptismal candidates to join. Anyone interests please inquire with pastor and deacons.

  • 01-29-2017主日崇拜講道

    神是看內心 The Lord looks at the heart 撒母耳記上1 Samuel 16:1-13 Pastor Kaleb Gentry 梁小瑛長老傳譯

  • 01-29-2017崇拜讚美詩歌

    陳美琼姊妹 How Can I Keep From Singing Your Praise Worthy is the Lamb 愛是不保留 活出愛 Audio: [audio:http://www.blessedlifechurch.org/2017/2017_01_29_praise.mp3|titles=01-29-2017 Praise]