
崇拜地點:Crossroads Community Center16000 NE 10TH ST, BELLEVUE, WA

電話:(425) 829-9055


郵寄地址: 3730 148th Avenue SE, Bellevue, Washington 98006

齊來敬拜、侍奉、見證、相交  Let’s come together to worship, serve, witness, and fellowship.


Day: November 27, 2016

  • 教會祈禱會

    教會祈禱會:12月7日(週三),晚上7:30於表爾威12838 SE 40th Pl. 之102室聚會,十二月主題:『萬世歡騰』,請出席為教會事工祈禱。 Church Prayer Meeting: will be held on Wednesday, December 7 at 7:30 p.m. Location’s at Factoria: 12838 SE 40th Place, Room 102. December’s theme is “Celebration.”.

  • 查經小組開始新學季

    查經小組:將於明年1月5日開始新學季,一連十週課程研讀『帖撤羅尼迦前後書、提摩太前後書、和提多書』,逢週四晚上7:30在教會舉行,詳情及報名請與程偉昌長老夫婦聯絡。 Thursday Bible Study: will start a new 10 weeks study on the Book of 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy and Titus beginning Thursday, January 5 on every Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. at church. For details please contact Kenny or Clarinda Ching.

  • 崇拜地點更改

    崇拜地點更改:新港山聖約教會將於12月11日主日在本堂場所舉 行兒童聖誕節目,恩福崇拜將會在大禮堂舉行,請弟兄姊妹留意。 Change of Venue: Newport Covenant Church is going to host their Children Christmas Production on December 11 at this location. BLC will move our service to the sanctuary.

  • 11-27-2016主日崇拜講道

    主的降臨 耶利米書Jeremiah 33:14-18 Pastor Michael Lock 張治強執事傳譯

  • 11-27-2016崇拜讚美詩歌

    陳競秀弟兄 Joy to the World 普世歡騰 Give Thanks 歡欣!心裏感謝神 Thanks to God 感謝神 [audio:http://www.blessedlifechurch.org/2016/2016_11_27_praise.mp3|titles=11-27-2016 Praise]

  • 11-20-2016崇拜讚美詩歌

    鄺偉華弟兄 頌讚全能上帝 以感恩為祭 我的心,你要稱頌耶和華 如此認識我 祢的同在

  • 11-20-2016主日崇拜講道

    感恩節崇拜分享 Thanksgiving Worship Sharing Pastor Kaleb