『傲慢,偏袒和嫉妒 』
Pride, Favoritism and Jealousy
麥洪達牧師 Pastor Larry Mark
張治強執事Steven Cheung 傳譯
Genesis 37 創世記37章
Introduction 引言:
What is the key to personal growth 甚麼是個人成長的關鍵?
Being honest and clear about our choices and the reasons behind them-what did we do and why?
1. Genesis 創世記37:1-2
Pride is comparing self with others and reveling in one’s superiority.
2. Genesis創世記37:3-4
Favoritism is giving special consideration to some for our own selfish gain.
3. Genesis創世記37:5-11
Jealousy is hatred based on the fear of losing your influence to a rival.
Conclusion 結論:
Romans 羅馬書8:1
Help me, God! I need your forgiveness, your love, your power!
神啊,求祢幫助我! 我需要祢的寬恕、祢的愛、祢的力量﹗
[audio:http://www.blessedlifechurch.org/2015/2015_03_29_sermon.mp3|titles=03-29-2015 sermon]